The Deeping Wall (solo/duo)

Deeping Wall 

The full weight of Saruman’s army prepares to crash down on the valiant defenders atop the ramparts of the deeping wall.

We all know that the deeping wall is that big wall between the hornburg and the cliff face on the other side
Your point of defence within this particular solo/duo is a section of wall and on either side there is a guard-tower, on the eastern side atop of the tower there is a catapult that can be used.

The overall quest is to successfully defend the Deeping Wall until it is destroyed (To earn platinum reward in this you must complete both side-quests with platinum rating, and lose no soldiers, commanders or banners).

A total of 2 waves and 3 enemy catapults are sent at the wall during this instance, 1 catapult in the first wave and 2 in the second it is imperative that you destroy them using your own catapult atop the eastern guard-tower.

Ladders and grapplehooks will beseige the wall and allow enemies to flow over the top of it you must cut these down and kick them over to reduce the flow of enemies coming over the wall!

TIP: You can basicly control the speed of this instance yourself. The side quests begin when exactly 2 blocks of enemies have been completely destroyed (not just same number of enemies as in 2 blocks spread out on different blocks), so by killing enemies with the catapult and rock drops you can speed it up. If you want the side quest to begin quickly but the main wave to last long, then it is a good idea to kill 2 blocks on the same vertical line. In the same way you can slow down the instance by cutting ropes and kick ladders since this will prevent enemies from getting up on the wall and get killed. However, there is a timer at which the main wave will disappear no matter how many enemies there are left, so u cannot delay it forever.


Side Quests.

1. Breaching the Hornburg.
2. The Vanguard Defilers.
3. Securing the Culvert.
4. Vandals in the Tower.

First quest is Breaching the Hornburg / Securing the Culvert.
Second quest is The Vanguard Defilers / Vandals in the Tower.


Breaching the Hornburg

This side quest takes place within the western guard-tower, 6 waves of enemies will spawn on the left side of the gate that you use to enter the guard-tower. In this quest you must defend the gate, healing supplies and injured soldiers within the room. With high-ish dps and good AoE damage you should have no problem with this quest. All mobs will spawn at the right window in the room.

– A relatively easy platinum medal to get.

The Vanguard Defilers

A total of 18 defilers will make their way over the wall with totems strapped to their backs in an attempt to place them all and draw power from them, in this quest it is your job to slaughter all of the defilers that come over the wall before they have a chance to place these totems and if they do, destroy them before they can draw any power from them. If you are focused and target these defilers and kill them immediately you should have no problem with this quest.

TIP: Sometimes the main quest will finish before this side quest has completed. To prevent this it is good to use the catapult to shoot 2 enemy blocks and thereby start the side quest fast, and do NOT use catapult or rock drops while the side quest is going on.

– A relatively easy platinum medal to get.

Securing the Culvert

At the base of the wall we all know there is a culvert. In this quest, the orcs have breached the culvert and it is your job to protect the workers from the invading waves while they repair the damage.

TIP: You can speed up this quest by help carrying stones to the culvert in between the waves.

– A relatively easy platinum medal to get.

Vandals in the Tower (NEW)

Within the eastern guard-tower there is a winch and some supplies that you must defend from goblin vandals and sappers that will climb in through the windows in the guard-tower. The sappers will use cache’s of black power to cause heavy damage and these must be disarmed immediately. The vandals will set the supplies on fire. It helps a lot to put tripwires under the 3 windows where they spawn so they don’t even get time to do their nasty things.

– A moderately easy platinum medal to get.